intro to design and creative thinking
Type Composition/Design
As an introduction into design and working with type, this will be your first project working with type. First of all, after learning the basic terminology of type ...(The labels associated with basic font construction and the fundamental differences in fonts) you will design a square composition implementing 3 letters of different fonts. Two of your square compositions will have a black ground and "reverse" type as the focus of your design, the remaining square will have black type on a white ground.
You will be required to create a cohesive and interesting type design focusing on type as a design element. The letters become objects,unique shapes that create an original motif.
Do not be afraid to let your letterforms "bleed" or overlap. It is OK to scale, rotate, and mirror your letteforms as long as you create something interesting. THINK, EVOLVE, DON'T BE SATISFIED WITH YOUR FIRST DESIGN.
Type as Art!